I will try the Ignore() once I get the domain working. Actually only the Security model works, the 3 others aren't and all get the same error :
Unable to create an instance of EntityManager: CommunEntities. Required constructor not found. Please add the following constructor: public CommunEntities(IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManagerContext).
Each entityManager owns this constructor I you can see in the model I sent you.
What could cause this error ? everything was working in previous version.
In the Log, the domain assemblies are probed on the server.
Probe Assemblies: xxx.Common.Domain, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null :: xxx.Commun.Domain, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null :: xxx.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
I can see the log when it instanciate the security domain :
Metadata file 'xxx.Security.xxxDBSecurity.ibmmx' loaded from assembly 'xxx.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
but nothing about the xxx.Commun.Domain model I currently try to use.
below the full error message :
La composition a produit une seule erreur de composition. La cause initiale est fournie ci-après. Pour plus d'informations, passez en revue la propriété CompositionException.Errors.
1) Unable to get metadata for xxx.Commun.Domain.Entities.News. Make sure it is a valid entity type or POCO type with a KeyAttribute
Résultat : Unable to initialize EntityManager
Unable to get metadata for xxx.Commun.Domain.Entities.News. Make sure it is a valid entity type or POCO type with a KeyAttribute
Résultat : Une exception a été levée par la cible d'un appel.
Résultat : Unable to create an instance of EntityManager: CommunEntities. Required constructor not found. Please add the following constructor: public CommunEntities(IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManagerContext).
Résultat : Une exception s'est produite lors de la tentative de création d'une instance de type xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork.
Résultat : Impossible d'activer le composant 'xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork'.
Élément : xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork --> xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork --> AssemblyCatalog (Assembly="xxx.Commun.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")
Résultat : Impossible d'obtenir l'exportation 'xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork (ContractName="xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.ICommunUnitOfWork")' du composant 'xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork'.
Élément : xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork (ContractName="xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.ICommunUnitOfWork") --> xxx.Commun.Services.UnitsOfWork.CommunUnitOfWork --> AssemblyCatalog (Assembly="xxx.Commun.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")
La composition a produit une seule erreur de composition. La cause initiale est fournie ci-après. Pour plus d'informations, passez en revue la propriété CompositionException.Errors.
This migration is really a pain in the ass, I started saturday and I still don't have a running application ;(
Edited by Walid - 25-Sep-2012 at 1:55pm