Please don't try to use the underlying DataTable from ADO.NET. This is not a public API that we advertise. Rather it is an implementation detail that could change in future versions of our product.
Developers who are new to DevForce often find it hard to shake old habits and prejudices. For example, many developers ask us how to create a join of one table with some related tables. We try to show these developers that joins are quite unnecessary. Just use the tables as they are and use relations to get the related information. There are many examples in the tutorials that use complex and interrelated tables, and nowhere do we do any table joins.
The question that I would ask you is why do you want to put the data in a single table. For example, to get the Employee's Address, we use a relation. We use "Employee.Address" and two tables, an Employee table and an Address table. I think what you want is one table, i.e., an Employee table with an added Address Column. Note, however, that we still use the same expression to get the Address, i.e., "Employee.Address" so we haven't made it any easier for the developer to write his code, and meanwhile we've added more work for the DBA. Someone has to create the joined table.
Edited by davidklitzke - 21-Nov-2007 at 11:55am