I have a Silverlight application that can be configured with a large number of codes. Because they play such a important role in the application I load all of these codes at the start of the application into the cache so that later on I don't have to query them asynchronously anymore
just to use a code.
I put all the different code types into one table and use inheritance to have different types of codes.
So all my codes inherit from CodeEntity and are in the table CodeEntities in the db.
At the start of the application I get all the entries CodeEntities and make sure that they are all in the cache.
Some code types are related to each other (1:n relation).
Now I have noticed that when I navigate within these related codes (i.e. CodeTyp1.CodeTyp2List) DevForce re-queries the database even though all of the codes are already in the cache.
Is this intended? When I set the default query strategy to CacheOnly I can suppress this behavior but I am hesitant to change the default query strategy all the time because I am not clear on the performance cost of such an action. Also I am afraid, that this could cause problems because of the asynchronous scenario (i.e. switching query strategy in one place while another query is still executing)
Any ideas how to suppress all those needless db accesses?
Thank you
Markus Seeli