There are times in my application when I want to disable the Search Grid and search criteria control.
How would I go about doing this? Can I access these controls from another control on the same PageView?
Also, is it currently possible to enable/disable a GridView when it has been added to the ViewFactory similiarly to the following:
pContext.GridViewId = GridViewId;
ViewFactory.AddNew(ViewNames.BasicGrid, WorkItem, GridViewId, typeof(ContactEmail));
private void CreateGridViewContext()
EntityBindingSource pContactEmailBindingSource
new EntityBindingSource(typeof(ContactEmail), EntityManager, mEmptyContactList, String.Empty);
GridViewContext context = GridViewContext.AddNew(WorkItem, GridViewId, pContactEmailBindingSource);
IGridBuilderService gridBuilderService = this.WorkItem.Services.Get<IGridBuilderService>();
context.GridBuilderPrototype = gridBuilderService.Get<ContactEmail>();