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Topic: Works in dev but not in Prod Posted: 09-Apr-2014 at 12:41pm |
Really puzzled, never seen something like this and error message is not helping.
this.IsBusy = true;
var queryCarrier = from c in entityManager.DSPCarriers
join con in entityManager.LOCContacts on c.PrimaryContactKey equals
where c.CarrierKey.Equals(this.CurrentItem.CarrierKey.Value)
select new { con.FirstName, con.LastName };
var carrierResults = await queryCarrier.ExecuteAsync();
var cr = carrierResults.FirstOrDefault();
if (cr != null)
firstName = cr.FirstName;
lastName = cr.LastName;
catch (Exception ex)
this.LoggerService.LogAsync(ex, "MaintainExpressCheckViewModel.Retrieve");
this.IsBusy = false;
I assume it is related to how I run query, async\anonymous etc but such query being sent to server just fine on my dev machine.
When I install on server I get following exception(logged):
Error 0x2115. Debugging resource strings are unavailable. See
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
Why is this happening and is there any way to get more error details?
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Posted: 09-Apr-2014 at 4:08pm |
Hi katit,
Can you see what the exception type is?
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Posted: 09-Apr-2014 at 4:17pm |
I will try to check (not logging this currently)
After changing select to "select con" it works everywhere. I just don't need whole entity..
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Posted: 11-Apr-2014 at 7:50am |
Actually it still happens.
I logged exception type:
Type: System.MethodAccessException SL:MaintainExpressCheckViewModel.Retrieve
Error 0x2115. Debugging resource strings are unavailable. See SL:MaintainExpressCheckViewModel.Retrieve
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess(Task task)
at IDATT.Module.RatePay.Views.MaintainExpressCheckViewModel.<Retrieve>d__4.MoveNext()
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Posted: 11-Apr-2014 at 11:39am |
That sounds like an SL assembly trust issue when dealing with "complex" queries.
Please see the following code snippet on how you may need to grant trust on the assembly containing this query.
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Posted: 11-Apr-2014 at 12:23pm |
Hm. It does. I wonder why it runs on dev? Is because of Dev version of Silverlight?
Anyway.. Where do I put this code and does it mean I have to remember and update versions every time I upgrade DevForce?
I have PRISM application with main.SL, modules.SL(many), and some shared libraries:
model.SL (with IB entities, etc)
Do I add this to module where this code is or to model.SL ?
Also, I'm not sure what that sample project structure is, why this?
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DomainServices.SL")]
Edited by katit - 11-Apr-2014 at 12:34pm
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Posted: 11-Apr-2014 at 1:13pm |
Sorry for the confusion. You just need to add the following to your SL DomainModel assembly,
// These allow the expression tree built by DevForce for certain complex queries to be processed correctly // in Silverlight. Without it, some complex queries may fail with a MethodAccessException. [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("System.Core, PublicKey=00240000048000009400000006020000002400005253413100040000010001008d56c76f9e8649383049f383c44be0ec204181822a6c31cf5eb7ef486944d032188ea1d3920763712ccb12d75fb77e9811149e6148e5d32fbaab37611c1878ddc19e20ef135d0cb2cff2bfec3d115810c3d9069638fe4be215dbf795861920e5ab6f7db2e2ceef136ac23d5dd2bf031700aec232f6c6b1c785b4305c123b37ab")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("System.Runtime.Serialization, PublicKey=00240000048000009400000006020000002400005253413100040000010001008d56c76f9e8649383049f383c44be0ec204181822a6c31cf5eb7ef486944d032188ea1d3920763712ccb12d75fb77e9811149e6148e5d32fbaab37611c1878ddc19e20ef135d0cb2cff2bfec3d115810c3d9069638fe4be215dbf795861920e5ab6f7db2e2ceef136ac23d5dd2bf031700aec232f6c6b1c785b4305c123b37ab")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("IdeaBlade.Core.SL, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100b3f302890eb528" + "1a7ab39b936ad9e0eded7c4a41abb440bead71ff5a31d51e865606b2a7e6d0b9dd0d92b113b9d1" + "0fb13f01fb5d856e99c1e61777cf4772d29bad7e66ffb93fc5cbd63b395046c06ff57db6ecbeee" + "4bdd6effc405878d65cfc4911708ed650da935d733fc5dc707f74910e025ac080543e01a6cc863" + "b9f85ffc")]
I'm also at a loss as to why it runs on dev.
If the fix works in prod, you may want to check that you're running the query over the same set of data because that can affect how complex the expression tree is built, and so may explain why it works on dev.
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Posted: 14-Apr-2014 at 12:49pm |
Data structure is the same. EF not "smart" enough to make different queries depending on data, right? (I hope)
Adding this to my Model.SL fixed issue.
Thank you!
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Posted: 17-Apr-2014 at 2:45pm |
Ok.. Nope. It didn't fix it. And it wasn't a problem to begin with. It work on all machines except mine (I have 2 PC's thats why confusion)
So, one Windows 7 Ultimate, latest Silverlight, all the same. I tried to uninstall Silverlight, reinstall, installed all IE updates. IE seem to be working properly, whole app seems to work OK except I get this error. Other clients don't. Any ideas on what might be causing this?
I need to figure out to know how to deal with a problem if customers have it..
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Posted: 23-Apr-2014 at 6:56am |
Ok. It DID fix it after I added instructions (InternalsVisibleTo) to my MODULE assembly (this is where query is, not model.SL).
So, it's really weird. It was working OK on older browsers. It started to work in all IE 11 browsers after this fix. In my IE11 I was getting this error in 1 spot, other users with IE11 were getting this error in different spot...