Here are the steps to reproduce. I am using DevForce 3.5.2, on Windows Vista with Visual Studio 2005 with no version control turned on for this test.
Open Visual Studio
Create a new Windows Forms project, call it anything
Selected Tools->Object mapper and load the object mapper
Set the namespace to TestModel and change nothing else (leave the key as default and the default connection string which is the ideablade tutorial)
Click Save and save the model to the current project, Click Yes when prompted to write the model
Close Object mapper
Open IdeaBlade.ibconfig in Visual Studio as a Text/XML file – leave this file open
Launch Object mapper again
Add a table (click + and select any table)
Click Save and answer yes when prompted
Change the key name from ‘default’ to ‘default2’ (or anything else)
Click Save and answer yes to update project
A warning will come up about AppHelper already existing, click yes
A warning should come up about ideablade.ibconfig being modified outside Visual Studio, and do you want to reloaded it, but you can click any buttons as the mouse cursor is a “waiting” cursor and you must load Task manager to kill Visual Studio.