My current problem is as follows.
I have one binding source that is bound to a class that represents an SQL view. The SQL view (say, vwParent) is the parent in a parent|child relationship with another SQL view (vwChild). The views share 3 key fields and I have specified the relationship in the object mapper. I have two XtraGrid objects. One for the parent and one for the child. The parent grid is bound to the binding source with no datamember defined and the child grid is bound to the data source and has the datamember set to the child view vwChild.
Navigating around the parent grid will trigger display updates in the child grid and all looks as I want it. The problem I am having is that when I modify a row in one of the component tables of the parent view (vwParent), I cannot get the persistence manager to refresh the grid. I should stress that the changes are actually saved to the database though and if I restart my application and view the grids again, the modification to the data is shown.
So, can you please help me to get the grids to be refreshed when I modify rows from the SQL view's underlying tables? I have looked through the ibrunner forum and seen that it is suggested to use the RefetchEntities and GetEntities methods. I have tried each method without success, in particular "pm.GetEntities<DB.vwParent>(QueryStrategy.DataSourceOnly);".