I have an EntityManager in a Singleton. For some reason, one of my queries won’t use
the client side cache. Whenever I use
SQL Profiler, I keep seeing the following query:
[Extent1].[ID] AS [ID],
[Extent1].[CompanyID] AS [CompanyID],
[Extent1].[Description] AS [Description]
[dbo].[tblGLAccountTypes] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[tblPvxCompanies] AS [Extent2] ON
[Extent1].[CompanyID] = [Extent2].[ID]
WHERE (1 = [Extent2].[Organization]) AND (9 =
Stepping through the code, I can see exactly when it is
being called. It’s being called on the
last line of the following code:
Public Overrides Sub LoadRecord(ByVal em As EntityManager,
ByVal ID As Long)
Dim emg As
EntityManager_GL = DirectCast(em, EntityManager_GL)
Dim item =
(From queryItem In emg.efGLAccountTypes
queryItem.ID = ID
My original theory was that it was because of the
DirectCast, but I’ve got other code that does the same casting and seems to
work. My other theory is I have setup a
FilterQuery setup in my BOS code like this:
Overrides Function FilterQuery() As Boolean
QueryFilters.AddFilter(Of DomainModel.emGL.efGLAccountType)(Function(q)
q.Where(Function(c) c.efPvxCompany.efOrganization.ID = organzationId))
End Function
Does adding a filterquery negate the client side cache? Is there a way to change that? I sort of assume the logic would be, if you
retrieved the value in the past, the value should still be cached.