Hi, I have a simple verifier including a cross-type entity reference but it didnt work on server side.
This is my code and I cant get working it. (sorry for the coloring)
var v4 = new DelegatePropertyValueVerifier<CreditApplication>("Please keep amount between min and max specified", EntityPropertyNames.Amount, false,
(itemToVerify, valueToVerify, verifierContext) =>
var creditLine = itemToVerify.CreditLine;
var ok = (decimal)valueToVerify >= creditLine.MinCredit && (decimal)valueToVerify <= creditLine.MaxCredit;
return new VerifierResult(ok);
How I can write a verifier that works when I save my main Entity alone AND together related entities too, on server-side and client-side?
Im using DevForce 6.0.6 and WPF
Have any idea? Thank you vm.