I am looking for the correct way to perform server-side code without using a remote procedure type mechanism. I wish to use a SessionID as part of my login component. I have implemented a LoginManager and have been using the Login method to successfully authenticate my user and return the IPrincipal object. Now I wish to as part of the server side login code to generate a SessionID ( I know there is a DevForce SessionKey ), insert time and date of the session and associated UserAccountID into the database and return the autogenerated SessionID as a property in the Principal object. I have enclosed some sample code. I am assuming my problem here is that the SaveChanges in the new_Session method is ASync. If it is server side can I make it synchronous or how do I complete the login process in this context.
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="credential"></param>
/// <param name="entityManager"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IPrincipal Login(ILoginCredential credential, EntityManager entityManager)
UserConfigEntities userEntities = new UserConfigEntities(entityManager);
if (credential == null)
throw new LoginException(LoginExceptionType.NoCredentials, "No credentials supplied");
// Return an IPrincipal. Any serializable type may be returned,
// here we use the DevForce UserIdentity and UserBase classes.
UserAccount aUser = Get_User(userEntities, credential.UserName);
Verify_Credentials(aUser, credential.UserName, credential.Password, credential.Domain);
var identity = new LEAF.Security.LEAFIdentity(credential.UserName, credential.Domain);
var principal = new LEAF.Security.LEAFUser(identity, null);
principal.loggedInUser = aUser;
principal.SessionId = new_Session(entityManager, aUser);
return principal;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private Int32 new_Session(EntityManager entityManager, UserAccount aUser)
LEAFSession userSession = new LEAFSession();
userSession.UserAccountID = aUser.UserAccountID;
DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
userSession.DT_SessionStart = currentDateTime;
//update the datetime and sessionID for the Session
userSession.DT_Insert = currentDateTime;
userSession.DT_Update = currentDateTime;
userSession.SID_Insert = -1;
userSession.SID_Update = -1;
return userSession.LEAF_SessionID;