I am banging my head against the wall with a problem.
It is to do with a string comparison not matching the string in an EntityQuery.
I am using the following code
PredicateDescription pd = PredicateBuilder.Make(
entityType, lookUpField, FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, lookUpValue);
query = EntityQuery.Create(entityType, Context).Where(pd);
pd.IgnoreCase = true;
retEntity = (Entity) query.FirstOrNullEntity();
My problem is occuring when the lookupValue is 'Sy ' as in Sy with a space following. trying to match the same in the database
This code does not find it.
However if I change the value and remove the space following it does find it. Even though in the database the data it is looking up does contain a space.
I am at a loss as to why this is happening I was hoping someone here would know.