I am having implementing a stored procedure and returning a complex type. Here is the stored proc
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PromoCatalogItem_TotalQuantity]
@promoCatalog_ID decimal(18,0),
@member_ID decimal(18,0)
SELECT PromoCatalog_Item_ID,
SUM(T2.Promo.value('(DATACOUNT)[1]', 'decimal(18,6)')) AS TotalOnQuantity ,
COUNT(*) as Times
FROM Member_Promocatalog_Data
CROSS APPLY ReportData1.nodes('/DATA/ONPROMO') T2(Promo)
WHERE Member_PromoCatalog_ID = @promoCatalog_ID
AND ReceiverID = @member_ID
GROUP BY PromoCatalog_Item_ID
I wish to return a complex type which is the rows from the SELECT statement. I have created a FunctionImport defined for this stored proc but I am unable to return the results. I have verified that the correct paramters are passed to the SP and I have validated that the SP returns a result with this parameters using SQL Enterprise Manager. Here is the code I am using in Silverlight
public INotifyCompleted load_PromoCatalogItemOrderLevels_Coroutine( Decimal promoCatalogID, Decimal memberID)
var q = mgrPromoCatalog.PromoCatalogItem_TotalQuantityQuery(memberID, promoCatalogID);
return mgrPromoCatalog.ExecuteQueryAsync(q);
and I call this in a Coroutine using StartParallel. Here is the Completed handler ( I Have deleted other code to minimize the amount of text )
public void load_MemberPromoCatalogEntities(Member_PromoCatalog memberPromoCatalog, Decimal memberID)
var coop = Coroutine.StartParallel(() => load_MemberPromoCatalogEntitiesCoroutine(memberPromoCatalog, memberID));
coop.Completed += (sender, args) =>
if (args.CompletedSuccessfully)
//get the results from our stored procedure call
var results = args.Notifications[5]
I see no errors in the results but I have not data returning. Any help would be appreciated