We have customers using all of these databases:
- Oracle 8, 9i, 10g
- DB2
- Sybase SQL Anywhere
- Informix
- SQL Server 2000.
There are almost certainly others that will work, as well. If the database is ANSI-92 compliant and the manufacturer (or someone) has created an OleDb provider that fully implements the OleDb spec, the chances are good that we can work with it.
Why doesn’t DevForce support the Microsoft Access JET engine database?
For the databases it supports, DevForce generates ANSI-92 SQL. JET’s version of SQL is not ANSI-92 compliant, so to support it we would have to write a lot of special-case code; and since DevForce targets enterprise, multi-user applications for which JET is neither designed nor well-suited, there is little motivation to do so.