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PostSharp Version

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2012
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.5
Printed Date: 25-Mar-2025 at 7:32am

Topic: PostSharp Version
Posted By: Vonzkie
Subject: PostSharp Version
Date Posted: 06-Feb-2013 at 1:01am

What kind of PostSharp Version is the Devforce 2012 ver 7.0.3 is using?
We're planning to migrate to the latest Devforce from 6.1.9 to the latest one, we also have separate PostSharp license for our other coding stuffs but based on the forums PostSharp ver 2 is not yet compatible to VS 2012..
Just in case that is true, can we install PostSharp 3 (Beta) and your version of PostSharp side by side?


Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 06-Feb-2013 at 9:26am
DevForce 2012 is still using PostSharp 2.1, but will move to PostSharp 3 once it's released.  DF2012 does not do the full PostSharp install that DF2010 used to do, but instead uses the NuGet package to install to a project or solution.
We haven't seen any issues with 2.1 in VS2012, but then DevForce makes somewhat limited use of PostSharp features.   Whether you can do a side-by-side PostSharp install is a question for SharpCrafters.

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