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Can't connect to IIS Express

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2012
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.5
Printed Date: 15-Jun-2024 at 12:18pm

Topic: Can't connect to IIS Express
Posted By: ej6
Subject: Can't connect to IIS Express
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2014 at 10:58am
In DevStudio 2012, Project Properties | Web allows:
a) Use Visual Studio Development Server
b) Use Local IIS Web server
    *) Use IIS Express

I just checked the "User IIS Express" option, and DevForce connections now fail:

private static async Task ConnectAsync()
               ClientDataManager.Instance.DataManager.CurrentUser = StateManagement.CurrentUser;

               Task connectTask = ClientDataManager.Instance.DataManager.OurProjEM.ConnectAsync();
               await connectTask;

            catch (Exception e)
               string why = e.Message;

"There is no endpoint listening on http://localhost:62061/EntityService.svc/sl that could accept calls from this application. If running in Visual Studio, make sure CopyLocal=true is set for all IdeaBlade assembly references in the web project to ensure that these assemblies are copied to the bin folder.

Also check that the global.asax contains code to register the DevForce VirtualPathProvider, or that the EntityService.svc and EntityServer.svc files are present. To check if the service is running, open your internet browser and navigate to 'http://localhost:62061/EntityService.svc'. If the service page shows errors, these should help diagnose the problem with the service. If the service is running, then also make sure that the endpoint bindings match between client and server, and that the server's ClientApplicationType is either 'Silverlight' or 'Both'. Check the server's debug log file for more information."

http://localhost:62061/EntityService.svc does respond with all the usual stuff when a browser hits it.

When I switch Project Properties | Web back to use Visual Studio Development Server all is well again.

What are the requirements for DevForce 2012 to work correctly with IIS Express and VS2012/VS2013?

thanks in advance,

Eric Johnson

Posted By: sbelini
Date Posted: 24-Apr-2014 at 12:11pm
Hi Eric,

There is no special requirement to use IIS Express other than make sure the client is looking at the right port. (WPF/Winforms)

I suggest taking a look at one of our samples and compare to see if anything is set up differently. 
Most of our samples is by default using Cassini, but setting them to use IIS Express will work fine.

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