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No endpoint listening ...

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2010
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.0
Printed Date: 06-Jun-2024 at 7:45pm

Topic: No endpoint listening ...
Posted By: Andrew
Subject: No endpoint listening ...
Date Posted: 20-Apr-2011 at 2:44pm

I get the message: Unhandled Error in Silverlight. There is no endpoint listening
on - that could accept calls...

This happens with my application after moving from DevForce 6.0.7 to 6.0.9 only on one single(!) machine.
I have several servers where the application is deployed, but only one is not working.

After hours of testing I decided to take your DevForce Silverlight Application
project template for VS 2010 to make a small test application.
I added a model and some code to fill a data grid.
I deployed it on my machines IIS and it works, I deployed it to a web server in a data center
and it works. I deployed it to the machine mentioned  above and ... it doesn't work.
Every time with the "no endpoint" message.

Interesting: - is on.
I can call the service and the log file says also that the service is in place.

Within the project I left everything as standard: the VirtualPathProvider etc.

When I switch back to DevForce 6.0.7 it works!!!

The machine we are talking about is an local windows server 2008 (SBS)
with italian language and IIS.

The only interesting difference that I have noticed is that when I don't put
a host name in the IIS-binding it should start everything under http://localhost - http://localhost .
The app does so in the internet explorer but not the service.
In the debuglog.xml it says: EntityServer listening on - . is the machines name.
Maybe this is the key???
If I put a HostName in the binding the debuglog says:
EntityServer listening on - and I receive the
"no endpoint" error in either case.

I hope you can help me.

I need to urgently update the customer with this machine.
Rolling back everything to DevForce 6.0.7 wouldn't be a good option!

Best Regards

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 20-Apr-2011 at 3:49pm
Are the machines where this is working with DF 6.0.9 also running Windows Server 2008 with Italian?  Are you using the same web.config on each? 
The only changes between the 6.0.7 and 6.0.9 releases which could potentially be an issue are the support for compressed messages in the endpoint bindings and a minor change to support spaces in host names.  If you define a system.serviceModel section in either your web.config or a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig, or have implemented custom ServiceProxyEvents or ServiceHostEvents classes, those would be areas to look at.
If nothing stands out, please post or email to support your web.config, the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig or app.config if either is present in the SL application, and the server's debug log.

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 20-Apr-2011 at 4:22pm
Hi Kim,
all other machines with DF 6.0.9 are Windows Server 2008 with german or english.
As I pointed out I'am actually testing with a small app made from your VS 2010 template
for DF Silverlight Application.
There is no app.config or ServiceReferences.ClientConfig, no ServiceProxyEvents or ServiceHostEvents ...
Here I will post the web.config and the debuglog only with some names changed - so the web-address is
not reachable.
the web.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="ideablade.configuration" type="IdeaBlade.Core.Configuration.IdeaBladeSection, IdeaBlade.Core" />
   <ideablade.configuration version="6.00" xmlns=" - ">
    <logging logFile="log\DebugLog.xml" />
    <!-- Additional configuration can be added to override defaults.
         See the sample config files in the Learning Resources for more information.
    <!-- Set aspNetCompatibilityEnabled to true to allow use of ASP.NET security features.
         Set multipleSiteBindingsEnabled to true for Azure or if your web site has multiple http bindings.
    <serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="false" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" />
    <!-- You can add Service definitions to override the default configuration.
         See the sample config files in the Learning Resources for more information.
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
        <add assembly="System.Data.Entity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
    <add name="TestEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/TestModel.csdl|res://*/TestModel.ssdl|res://*/TestModel.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;Data
Source=SBS2K8;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=TestUser;Password=test;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
and the debuglog:
XML Log:
Date Time UserName Namespace Class:Method Message
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFileXmlLogger::GetLogHeader ------------ Log Created ------------
2011-04-20 23:31:43  IdeaBlade.Core IdeaBladeConfig::Initialize Initializing configuration ...
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition PartsCatalog::LoadCatalog MEF assembly probing started: 20/04/2011 23.31.44. If this takes a long time, use IdeaBlade.Core.Composition.CompositionHost to specify/restrict
which assemblies to probe.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition PartsCatalog::LoadCatalog MEF assembly probing completed: 20/04/2011 23.31.44
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::.ctor Probe Assemblies: DFSilverlightAppTestEntityServiceWeb, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null If this list is unnecessarily large, use
CompositionHost.SearchPatterns to modify the search critieria for probed assemblies. If this list does not contain the assembly(ies) holding your a) domain model, b) custom interface implementations, and c) POCO/known types
then your application may not work correctly. Ensure that these assemblies are available in the exe/bin folder, and if using CompositionHost.SearchPatterns that the patterns are set appropriately.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core IdeaBladeConfig::InitializationStatusCallback IdeaBlade License: 'DataCenterServer, EnterpriseUniv', KeyDate: 07/01/2011, AllowedSessions: 10000. Found on Assembly:
'DFSilverlightAppTestEntityServiceWeb, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Configuration ServerSettingsElement::ConstrainSettingsBasedOnLicenseCore The configured SupportedClientApplicationType is Both
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for non-default 'ITraceLoggerProvider' and found no matching exports.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::GetImportDefSingle CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for default 'ITraceLoggerProvider' and found 'IdeaBlade.Core.DefaultLoggerProvider'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization IdeaBladeConfig resolution: File: C:\MyPrograms\DFSilverlightAppTest2\web.config - found but failed to load: Unable to deserialize an object of
type 'IdeaBlade.Core.IdeaBladeConfig' from the <{}ideablade.configuration> configuration section: Errore nel documento XML (0, 0).; Formato della stringa di input non
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization IdeaBladeConfig resolution: File: C:\MyPrograms\DFSilverlightAppTest2\Web.config - found but failed to load: Unable to deserialize an object of
type 'IdeaBlade.Core.IdeaBladeConfig' from the <{}ideablade.configuration> configuration section: Errore nel documento XML (0, 0).; Formato della stringa di input non
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization IdeaBladeConfig resolution: Warning: No .config file found - using default configuration.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization IdeaBladeConfig resolution: Logging file: C:\MyPrograms\DFSilverlightAppTest2\log/DebugLog.xml
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization Bound to .NET runtime version 4.0.30319.225
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core TraceFns::CompleteTracingInitialization DevForce version
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServiceHost::AddBehaviors Using DC serializer for EntityService
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::GetImportDefSingle CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'ServiceHostEvents' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server.ServiceHostEvents'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServiceHostFactory::CreateServiceHost EntityService listening on -
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServiceHostFactory::CreateServiceHost EntityService listening on -
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::GetImportDefSingle CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'EntityServiceApplication' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityServiceApplication'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  :CreateIdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server RemoteEntityService: EntityService created
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServer::.ctor EntityServer created for DataSourceExtension: [None], CompositionContext: -IbDefault-
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'IEntityQueryExecutor' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmQueryExecutor'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'IEntityQueryExecutor' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.PassthruEsqlQueryExecutor'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'IEntityQueryExecutor' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.StoredProcQueryExecutor'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for any 'IEntityQueryExecutor' and found 'IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.UdtQueryExecutor'.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server SessionManager::GetLoginManager Anonymous access: enabled
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::GetImportDefSingle CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for non-default 'IEntityLoginManager' and found no matching exports.
2011-04-20 23:31:44  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server SessionManager::GetLoginManager No Login Manager found. User will always be logged in as Guest, regardless of credentials.
2011-04-20 23:31:45  IdeaBlade.Core.Composition CompositionHost::CheckMultiExport CompositionContext: '-IbDefault-' - Probed for non-default 'IKnownTypeProvider' and found no matching exports.
2011-04-20 23:31:45  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServerHost::<AddBehaviors>b__2 Using DC serializer for EntityServer
2011-04-20 23:31:45  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServerHostFactory::CreateServiceHost EntityServer listening on -
2011-04-20 23:31:45  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server EntityServerHostFactory::CreateServiceHost EntityServer listening on -
2011-04-20 23:52:09  IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server RemoteEntityService::ShutdownEntityServers Shutting down Entity Servers
Hope this will help a little!
Thank you.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 20-Apr-2011 at 8:16pm
Hmm, it's interesting that DevForce isn't able to load the web.config because of a problem with the ideablade.configuration section, although I can't see anything wrong with the file.   I'm not sure if this is causing the problem, or a symptom of something else going on.  Do you have problems with other .config files on this server?

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 21-Apr-2011 at 12:58pm
There are no other known issues with config files on this server!
Today I had to reinstall DF 6.0.7 and made an update for the customer.
With DF 6.0.7 it is working without any further changes.
Also I've compiled the test application (DF Silverlight Applicxation VS 2010 template)
with DF 6.0.7 and ran the custom tool on Model.
Then I deployed only the xap and the silverlight web assembly and all
the DF assemblies. No changes to any config file.
... and it is working instantly!
So what can I do?
Maybe it is a culture-issue, because of the italian windows server?

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 21-Apr-2011 at 1:19pm
Another interesting item from your debug log is that it shows both the EntityService and EntityServer starting successfully.  The only way that the EntityServer can start is by a request from a client, so something is getting through from the client.
Are you able to modify the code to catch the exception and drill into the inner exceptions or Remote* details?  It's possible there's a serialization problem, although why it would show up only on this one Italian OS server I can't say.

Posted By: Andrew
Date Posted: 21-Apr-2011 at 2:16pm
Where do you recommend to catch the exception?
I have tried several things in the silverlight client app to surround the query.ExecuteAsync statement
but the exception is thrown somewhere else!

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 21-Apr-2011 at 7:50pm
In Silverlight you can't wrap the async call - whether a query, save, login or whatever - with try/catch.  Instead you have to check the returned operation, or the event arguments passed into the callback.  For example:
var query = _entityManager.Customers.Where(c => c.CompanyName.StartsWith("C"));
query.ExecuteAsync(op => {
   if (op.HasError) {...}
If you're doing an explicit ConnectAsync or LoginAsync you should check for errors from those calls.  It's also always a good idea to check for errors from all your async calls, since they can fail at any time if connectivity is lost.

Posted By: Neil
Date Posted: 16-Aug-2012 at 4:36pm
I'm getting what I believe is the same issue intermittently on our test/production servers.  The issue I encounter is that after an app pool recycle the website is fine but the DevForce WCF service appears unresponsive.  Recycle the app pool and it usually recovers.  The issue is frequent enough that we've setup WCF monitors on the servers using DevForce which report when the issue occurs.

Today I managed to get my hands on an unresponsive DevForce endpoint, and dumped the app pool process.  From a quick look it appears that DevForce initialization is deadlocking in concurrent calls to IdeaBlade.Core.IdeaBladeConfig.Initialize() and IdeaBlade.Core.Composition.CompositionHost.get_Instance().  We're running DevForce 6.1.8 and have been experiencing the issue for a number of versions.  A fix would be appreciated.

Here's the full stacks for the deadlocked threads:
Thread 11 - System ID 9444
Entry point   ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+1d 
Create time   17/08/2012 6:58:40 AM 
Time spent in user mode   0 Days 00:00:00.187 
Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 00:00:00.046 

This thread is waiting to enter a .NET Lock which thread 22 is currently holding

.NET Call Stack

IdeaBlade.Core.AuthHelper.LoadRuntimeLicense(Boolean, System.Action`2) 
System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost..ctor(System.Type, System.Uri[]) 
IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server.EntityServiceHostFactory.CreateHostCore(System.Type, System.Uri[]) 
IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server.EntityServiceHostFactory.CreateServiceHost(System.Type, System.Uri[]) 
System.ServiceModel.Activation.ServiceHostFactory.CreateServiceHost(System.String, System.Uri[]) 
System.Runtime.IOThreadScheduler+ScheduledOverlapped.IOCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 
System.Runtime.Fx+IOCompletionThunk.UnhandledExceptionFrame(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 
System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 

Thread 22 - System ID 1160
Entry point   ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+1d 
Create time   17/08/2012 6:58:48 AM 
Time spent in user mode   0 Days 00:00:00.125 
Time spent in kernel mode   0 Days 00:00:00.046 

This thread is waiting to enter a .NET Lock which thread 11 is currently holding

.NET Call Stack

IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server.EntityServer..ctor(System.String, System.String) 
IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Server.EntityServerHostFactory.CreateServiceHost(System.String, System.Uri[]) 
System.Runtime.IOThreadScheduler+ScheduledOverlapped.IOCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 
System.Runtime.Fx+IOCompletionThunk.UnhandledExceptionFrame(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 
System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*) 

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 16-Aug-2012 at 6:35pm
Thanks, Neil.  This is a big help, and should give us enough information to reproduce and fix the problem.

Posted By: Karol
Date Posted: 20-Dec-2012 at 6:53am
Did you manage to solve this problem?
Or maybe do you have some workaround?

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 20-Dec-2012 at 10:31am
The "no endpoint listening" error can occur for a (very) large number of reasons - you might see it any time a client application can't communicate with the server. 
The first problem from Andrew was likely due to permissions on the windows\temp folder.  The second problem from Neil may have been either a problem with overlapped recycling on his web server or a locking problem within DevForce.
If you're getting this error, please provide more information.  Also see - .

Posted By: Karol
Date Posted: 07-Jan-2013 at 2:13am

After we restart IIS everything is OK.

Then after some time EntityService crashes. When it happens we get one of those errors while trying to connect to database:


[HttpRequestTimedOutWithoutDetail]Arguments: http://MyApp/EntityService.svc/sl - http://MyApp/EntityService.svc/sl

and less often

There is no endpoint listening on http://MyApp/EntityService.svc/sl - http://MyApp/EntityService.svc/sl

After restarting server application works fine. This problem occurs once, twice a day.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 07-Jan-2013 at 10:40am
Hi Karol, can you send us your .config and debuglog files from both client and server?  Please also include information on what company you're with.  You can send to IdeaBladeSupport at

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