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Dynamic entity

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 13-Mar-2025 at 6:01pm

Topic: Dynamic entity
Posted By: Saravanan
Subject: Dynamic entity
Date Posted: 08-Dec-2007 at 2:10am
How to Join multiple database table Fields  retrive to the Form using Dynamic Entity in C#

Posted By: Linguinut
Date Posted: 08-Dec-2007 at 1:04pm
The Developer's Guide has some great information about how to implement Dynamics Entities.  Have you read through that already?  Also, one of the tech tips might shed some light on what you want to do: - .  In addition, there are a couple of sample solutions in the program installation folder.  You will find them in the instructional units folder within the 300 Advanced section.
Happy code reviewing and reading!

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