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Xml Error Deserializing Object from BOS

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2009
Forum Discription: For .NET 3.5
Printed Date: 18-May-2024 at 10:28pm

Topic: Xml Error Deserializing Object from BOS
Posted By: danielp37
Subject: Xml Error Deserializing Object from BOS
Date Posted: 27-Mar-2008 at 9:43pm

I received the following exception when trying to execute a query through the BOS:


The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter - . The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object . The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader.'.  Please see InnerException for more details.

The Query looks like this:

var member = dataset.ExecuteQueryForEntity<Member>((from mem in dataset.Members

    where mem.MemberId == "754402"

    select mem).Include("ActualCoverages")




I tried running the query without the .Includes on it and still got the exception, except that instead of getting it when the query was executed, I got it when it tried loading a specific Payment.  The Payment object has an ntext column on it that is over 23,000 bytes long.  Could this be what's causing the exception?
When I remove this column, the query works.  Should this be a limitation of the BOS?

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2008 at 9:57am
First, I'm sorry for the late reply, but I somehow missed this and a few other posts.
For the "standard" BOS configuration - one that uses only the DevForce section config settings or the web.config sample we've provided - we set various quotas to maximum values.  Unfortunately, the MaxStringContentLength ReaderQuota is not something we currently set, but I've opened a bug report to address this.
The workaround is to change the reader quotas on the binding via the config file.  If you're hosting your BOS in IIS, this is easy to do, since the system.ServiceModel configuration section is defined in the web.config.  If you're hosting in either the console or service applications provided with DevForce, this is a little harder since you're probably not using a serviceModel configuration section.  I can provide a sample upon request.
Here's the binding change:
        <binding name="compressedBinaryBinding">
                  maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647"
                  maxStringContentLength="your limit"
          <httpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"/>

Posted By: danielp37
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2008 at 11:02am
We are currently using the Console BOS and plan on using the Service BOS so I would need to make these changes in the system.ServiceModel configuration section and would appreciate a sample.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2008 at 1:14pm
Here's a sample serviceModel configuration section for the server.  You can place the section in the exe's config file, or the app.config embedded in the AppHelper project.  The ideaBlade.v4 configuration section is still needed, although the objectServer element will be ignored.  The serviceModel and ideaBlade.v4 sections do not need to be in the same config file.  So, for example, you could place the serviceModel section in a ServerConsole.v4.exe.config file, and leave the ideaBlade.v4 section in the AppHelper project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- Sample server-side configuration, showing defaults -->

      <service name="EntityService">
       address=" http://localhost:9009/EntityService - http://localhost:9009/EntityService "
       binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="compressedBinaryBinding"
        contract="IdeaBlade.EntityModel.v4.IEntityServiceContract" />
      <!-- One EntityServer service per data source extension -->
      <service name="EntityServer">
       address=" http://localhost:9009/EntityServer - http://localhost:9009/EntityServer "
       binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="compressedBinaryBinding"
            contract="IdeaBlade.EntityModel.v4.IEntityServerContract" />

        <binding name="compressedBinaryBinding">
            <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647" />
          <httpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"/>

        <add name="gzipMessageEncoding" type="IdeaBlade.Util.Wcf.Extensions.v4.GZipMessageEncodingElement, IdeaBlade.Util.v4"/>


Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 08-Apr-2008 at 1:18pm
Here's a sample for the client side.  The configuration information on the two sides needs to agree, so that the communications channel can be opened and data sent and received correctly. 
You have the same options for placement of the serviceModel and ideaBlade.v4 sections as with the server.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Sample client-side configuration, showing defaults -->
   <endpoint name="EntityService"
        address=" http://localhost:9009/EntityService - http://localhost:9009/EntityService "
        binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="compressedBinaryBinding"
    <!-- One EntityServer endpoint per data source extension -->
   <endpoint name="EntityServer"
        address=" http://localhost:9009/EntityServer - http://localhost:9009/EntityServer "
        binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="compressedBinaryBinding"
        <binding name="compressedBinaryBinding">
            <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647"/>
          <httpTransport maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"/>
        <add name="gzipMessageEncoding" type="IdeaBlade.Util.Wcf.Extensions.v4.GZipMessageEncodingElement, IdeaBlade.Util.v4"/>

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