QuoteReplyTopic: Changetracking ComplexProperty Posted: 13-May-2013 at 4:21am
Working with changetracking and complex property:
entity.Period = new Period(new DateTime(2000,01,01), new DateTime(2222,01,01)); entity.EntityAspect.AcceptChanges(); entity.Period = new Period(new DateTime(9000,01,01), new DateTime(9999,01,01));
var complexProperty = entity.EntityAspect.EntityMetadata.ComplexTypeProperties. First(c => c.PropertyInfo.Name.Equals("Period"));
var currentComplexObj = complexProperty.GetValue(entity, EntityVersion.Current); var orginalComplexObj = complexProperty.GetValue(entity, EntityVersion.Original);
The value of the object currentComplexObj is new Period(new DateTime(9000,01,01), new DateTime(9999,01,01)) <- this is right. The value of the object orginalComplexObj is new Period(new DateTime(9000,01,01), new DateTime(9999,01,01)) <- this is wrong.
What am I doing wrong? Where can i get the old original value from the complex property? Sincere regards, Johannes
thanks, for the fix in den 6.1.14 "Fixed a problem with change tracking of Complex Type properties. [D2443]"
Now wehaveanother problemwhen importing theentitesofaEntityManagerinto anotherin an EntityServerSaveInterceptor.WhenimportingentitywithComplexPropertiestheoriginalvalueis lost.
entity11.Period = new Period(new DateTime(9000,01,01), new DateTime(9999,01,01)); entity11.EntityAspect.AcceptChanges(); entity11.Period = new Period(new DateTime(9000,01,01), new DateTime(9999,01,01)); entityManager11.AddEntity(entity11); entityManager22.ImportEntities(entityManager11.Entities, MergeStrategy.OverwriteChanges); var entity22 = entityManager22.Entities.First();
The changetracking information for entity11 works, but not for the entity22.
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