I'm not sure what's in IdeaBlade.Wpf.Controls.v4.dll - maybe Kim will chime in, or I'll find out next week at work - but in general, we aren't planning to offer anything special in the UI area for WPF. Even for Winforms, the controls we offer are components for assisting with the setup of data bindings and the population of forms with controls from the .NET, DevExpress, and Infragistics control suites. We are likely to do anything similar for WPF anytime soon, if ever. We have lots of other dragons to slay and many other individuals and companies are working on UI tools for WPF.
Do check out the WPF toolkit:
I suspect that IdeaBlade.Wpf.Controls.v4 may have some stuff we're using internally to provide the UI for the Object Mapper, but that's just a guess.
Greg Dunn