I am seeing some unexpected behavior regarding NullEntity. Is this a bug? Can NullEntities be added to lists as shown, or is that intrinsically not possible?
Contact contact = EntityManager.Contacts.FirstOrDefault();
User nullUser = EntityManager.GetNullEntity<User>();
// At this point, contact.Users.Count == 0
catch (Exception e1)
// Excepts with "Null or pending entities cannot be modified"
- presumably because adding
// the nullUser to the list contact.Users is internally trying to set an
association key on nullUser.
// However, the nullUser is actually added to the Users list.
// contact.Users.Count is now 1
bool wtf = false;
// Due to some odd behavior I was
seeing elsewhere, I noticed that subsequent attempts do *not* except!
// Perhaps that is because the nullUser
is already in the list?
catch (Exception e2)
// Does not except on second
bool wtf = true;