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Topic: Notification on Devforce 2012 Posted: 30-May-2013 at 5:57am |
Hello... please excuse me, where the notification's service has gone in 2012? I wish to detect DB changes on a specific entity (added/removed) and notify the client...
as well if I've got a window service, can I reference the devforce's dll to a class library ? I wish to have a notification module that tooks information and pools them via dataflow to another thread (this I'm able to do), just want to know if my assembly acts like a server how can I manage the call serverside?
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:09am |
Push notification has gone. You can use something like SignalR though to achieve the same thing. It's very easy to use and in whatever code you have to detect changes (Save interceptor, etc) you can then push a notification to the client
SignalR is available on NuGet and there is a lot of good documentation here:
For your task you might look at using Persistent Connections, you probably don't need to use the more complex Hubs.
Here is a quickstart article
Rather than using HTML/JS to send the notification, this can simply be done in your service that handles the change notifications.
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:12am |
Hello, the app I'm running is almost serverside (a windows service that reads/wirte on database and has the need to "wake up" when an entry is written on a table.... can I use ideablade or it's useless? Thanks
I'm to check SignalIR right now... Thanks again
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:21am |
Is your client using DevForce? If so, you could set it up like this:
IIS (or wherever the DevForce BOS is hosted) -SignalR persistent connection service exposed over http
Change notification service -SignalR client that pushes the change information to the IIS server which then broadcasts it to any listening clients (the quickstart shows a simple example of this)
DevForce client -SignalR client that receives the change information
Edited by smi-mark - 30-May-2013 at 6:21am
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:27am |
There's no client at all (maybe some for logging) It's 99% a windowsservice that does computation... I was to use devforce for reading data (server side) and then notification...
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:29am |
I meant what are you trying to notify? Are you trying to send the notification to an existing application using DevForce?
Edited by smi-mark - 30-May-2013 at 6:30am
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Posted: 30-May-2013 at 6:32am |
no, new application from scratch, it's divided into modules... I have my notification module that should receive the fact there's a new item (I was to use notificationservice but I think I'll have a timer and pool on the table. When the notification module detects an insert/updates it prepares a dataflow packet and push to a queue