Is it possible to trigger a verifier when a dictionary value changes?
For example, let us say we have a Dictionary<TKey, Tvalue> called PhoneList on the Employee entity as a property. This dictionary is created at runtime. Also, the PhoneList is bound to SilverLight text fields (PhoneList["Business"] for business phone number entry)
How to specify TriggerItem to fire verification based on changes to a specific entry (for example, PhoneList["Business"] in the dictionary, or any change (change to "Business", "Home" or "Mobile" dictionary entries) for that matter?
The SilverLight binding to the dictionary item (PhoneList["Business"]) works ok, but not sure on what property the trigger should be specified.
Sample scenario:
public class Employee: Entity
public int EmpNumber;
public string Name;
public Dictionary<string, string> PhoneList {get; set;}