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Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: Breeze
Forum Name: Community Forum
Forum Discription: Build rich JavaScript apps using techniques you already know
Printed Date: 14-Mar-2025 at 5:34am

Topic: Devforce
Posted By: francoisw
Subject: Devforce
Date Posted: 26-Oct-2012 at 2:21am
Breeze is briljant. Well done and thank you for this great library.
We are currently using devforce with silverlight (datacentre version) and have plenty of models already generated with it. What would be the best approach of exposing the devforce entities to breeze?

Posted By: ting
Date Posted: 26-Oct-2012 at 8:02pm
Hi Francois,

Glad you like it!

Currently, the best way to hook up your data model to Breeze is to generate regular Entity Framework entities from the EDMX and expose the EF ObjectContext (or DbContext if Code First) through the Breeze EFContextProvider (as we do in all the samples).

Exposing DevForce entities directly to Breeze is currently not supported. The key use case for this would be to share the same server-side interception logic between the two clients (because the .NET logic on the model cannot be consumed by the JavaScript client). If this is important to you, please vote up the feature on the Breeze feedback page:

Hope this helps and thanks for the feedback.

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