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Timeout Expire

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 25-Mar-2025 at 6:53am

Topic: Timeout Expire
Posted By: *Calsy
Subject: Timeout Expire
Date Posted: 09-Mar-2009 at 6:30pm
Hi All, Just having an issue with a Persistence Server Timeout Expire error. I have set the connection timeout to unlimited (0) at the SQL Server level and I have also specified Connect Timeout = 0 in the Ibconfig connection.

With all this specified why should it still be timing out? Im thinking it should just keep carrying on until the task is complete.

Look forward to hearing some feedback.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 09-Mar-2009 at 11:28pm

I'm not sure if you've tried the EntityQuery.CommandTimeout.  Here a value of 0 means that the underlying ADO.NET Command.Timeout default should be used, and that default is 30 seconds with most providers.  If the problem is occurring during a fetch, try setting that to a value in seconds that you hope is sufficient.  If the timeout is occurring during a save take a look at the TransactionSettings timeout property. 

Posted By: *Calsy
Date Posted: 10-Mar-2009 at 8:00pm
Hi Kim, Thanks for the reply. Changing the rdbquery.CommandTimeout seems to have fixed the problem. Is there a way that we can set a generic commandtimeout period so that every fetch has a large timeout period? It will be a bit of a pain to go throughout our code and add a line for each rdbquery to expand their timeout period.


Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 11-Mar-2009 at 6:26pm
Unfortunately there is currently no way to set this globally.

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