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Help with Convert Cabana to EF to VB.NET

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2009
Forum Discription: For .NET 3.5
Printed Date: 30-Mar-2025 at 7:45pm

Topic: Help with Convert Cabana to EF to VB.NET
Posted By: DjStitch
Subject: Help with Convert Cabana to EF to VB.NET
Date Posted: 19-Nov-2008 at 12:47am
Hi there......
I am in the process of converting the cabana v3.6 to EF using
Becource of our company members only fimiliar with vb6, I have to convert it into on vs2008 so that thay can work with it. So I will be asking a couple of Q regarding my conversion, if it is o-right with you guys.

I am busy matching up the 2 documents trying to find similatities

IdeaBlade.Util%7EIdeaBlade.Util_namespace.html - IdeaBlade.Util Namespace : IdeaBladeConfig.RemotingInfo Class

Where can I found this class in the IdeaBalde.Util.v4

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 19-Nov-2008 at 9:01am
The IdeaBlade.Util.Configuration.RemotingInfo class in DevForce Classic holds information about the configuration of the BOS and how the client talks to it. 
In DevForce EF this class was replaced by IdeaBlade.Util.Configuration.v4.ObjectServerElement, which you can access from the IdeaBladeConfig.Instance.ObjectServer property.  The corresponding element in the config file is <objectServer>.

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