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Errant Message Box when Building non-DevForceSL3 Solution

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2009
Forum Discription: For .NET 3.5
Printed Date: 13-Mar-2025 at 2:58am

Topic: Errant Message Box when Building non-DevForceSL3 Solution
Posted By: bbakermai
Subject: Errant Message Box when Building non-DevForceSL3 Solution
Date Posted: 19-Mar-2009 at 8:46pm
This is on a VMWare 6.5 Workstation running Vista Ultimate 32-bit with 2GB RAM on a 45GB drive with 8 GB free.
Steps to reproduce:
1)   Install DevForce for Silverlight RC1
2)   Go through the Four Simple Steps Walkthrough
3a) Open up a solution based solely on SL3 CTP 9, or,
3b) Close and re-open Visual Studio 2008, and open up a solution based on Silverlight 3
      CTP 9 (Alexandria, SL3 and .Net RIA Services) -- either a walkthrough or a
      self-developed solution
4)   Press F5 or Play button, and the following message box appears once building has started:
Re-boot, open VS2008, and load the same or any other SL3 project - same result.

Bob Baker - MicroApplications, Inc. - Orlando CodeCamp 2009 - March 28th

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2009 at 6:44pm
That's irritating.  Thanks for reporting this, we hope to have the problem fixed ASAP.
The problem is not actually caused by opening the Four Simple Steps solution, or any other DevForce sample application, but is instead an installation issue with the add-in.
For what it's worth, the message is innocuous, although very irritating, and hitting OK will let you proceed normally.

Posted By: bbakermai
Date Posted: 20-Mar-2009 at 7:06pm
Yup. I figured as much (innocuousness). Thanks.

Bob Baker - MicroApplications, Inc. - Orlando CodeCamp 2009 - March 28th

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2009 at 10:53am
This problem was fixed in version, now available on our website.

Posted By: BenHayat
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2009 at 1:35pm
Originally posted by kimj

This problem was fixed in version, now available on our website.

Hi Kim;
Since SL DevForce is in RC and moving towards RTW, and the team is releasing new updates, would it be possible to have a "Topic" section that shows recent releases #, the date and the new changes? This way we as developers can stay current with your updates.


Best Regards!

WPF & Silverlight Insider
http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com - http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com

Posted By: IdeaBlade
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2009 at 7:33pm
Right now that's what the Release Notes are for (which will also be posted on the web).  If there's demand, we can create a topic to discuss the changes, too.

Posted By: BenHayat
Date Posted: 25-Mar-2009 at 7:38pm
Right now that's what the Release Notes are for

But the realese note are in the new installation, so how would we know there is a new installation available?

I read Kim's post by accident to find out there is a new update available. So, somwhere we need to see a list of new update, # and date.


Best Regards!

WPF & Silverlight Insider
http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com - http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com

Posted By: JoshO
Date Posted: 31-Mar-2009 at 6:17pm
The latest version information can be found at this topic: - DevForce Silverlight Release Candidate 1
which can be viewed at the top of the forums under "Announcements" or in the " - Product News " forum.
You can also get the latest Release Notes, Installation Guide, and Developers Guide online at: -
An estimated release schedule of major versions (RC2, RC3...) is on our "Roadmap" page at: -

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