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Login Security Issue

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2009
Forum Discription: For .NET 3.5
Printed Date: 27-Mar-2025 at 7:24pm

Topic: Login Security Issue
Posted By: monkeyking
Subject: Login Security Issue
Date Posted: 02-Apr-2009 at 10:01pm
I can succesffuly login in in the condition of imporinting 'Server' project in the client side, which contains 'LoginManager' class.

The third reference is the 'Server' project. once i import this, my program runs properly.

but once i remove it from the client side reference list.

program will always have errors in the Server side. i have written 2 different programs, err are different since i removed 'Server' reference.

the first program's error

the second program's error

these two errors occur after i removed 'Server' project from the client side. once i add this reference, both of these 2 error will not occur. But 'Server' project which contains 'LoginManager.cs' shouldn't be imported in the client side I think.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 03-Apr-2009 at 10:37am
If you are not running in n-tier mode - i.e., you are not running a BOS from either IIS or the ServerConsole or ServerService hosts - then the Login call will be made on the "client" and DevForce will probe for an IEntityLoginManager implementation.  Your app.config has the loginManagerRequired property set to "true", which tells DevForce to throw if an IEntityLoginManager is not found.  The <probeAssemblyNames> element should contain the name of the assembly where the implementation can be found.  If you don't want to use a LoginManager when running without a BOS, then modify the app.config in addition to removing the reference to "Server".

Posted By: monkeyking
Date Posted: 03-Apr-2009 at 11:54pm
Hi kimj
we are using N-tier mode, so 'Server' project should be in the Server side, which contains 'LoginManager' which is an implementation of IEntityLoginManager. the pic below shows the code of 'LoginManager'.
Secondly I have already set 'LoginManagerRequired' into 'true' and add 'Server' project into the assembly list.
there is no problem of this program, but only the issue is that in the client side, i must import 'Server' project to run the application, without this reference, bugs will occur. But I don't think 'Server' project should be included in the client side.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 04-Apr-2009 at 10:02am
You have no client vs. server sides here.   This tag:
    <objectServer isDistributed="false" .../>
indicates that you are not using a BOS, which means that the ConsoleApplication does need to have the Server assembly available to it since everything is running on a single tier.

Posted By: monkeyking
Date Posted: 04-Apr-2009 at 3:07pm
thx kimj,
now i set isDistributed into true, but there is another bug appear. not sure how to fix.

Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 04-Apr-2009 at 8:53pm

A TargetInvocationException wraps another, more meaningful, exception, so I really don't know what has happened here.  My guess is that you don't have a BOS running - you need to host it in IIS, or the ServerConsole or ServerService.

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