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Ideablade Silverlight on Mobile Devices

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2009
Forum Discription: For .NET 3.5
Printed Date: 12-Mar-2025 at 9:21pm

Topic: Ideablade Silverlight on Mobile Devices
Posted By: *Calsy
Subject: Ideablade Silverlight on Mobile Devices
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2009 at 2:49am
Hi all, Was thinkin over the weekend about the thought of making a small app for a mobile device with silverlight and ideablade. Just wondering if anyone can fill me in on if it is possible that Windows mobile will support silverlight and ideablade (and whether a normal silverlight app will just port straight over to windows mobile)? If not, whether there is any thought of doing so.


Posted By: kimj
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2009 at 12:36pm
Here's more info from Microsoft on Silverlight for mobile - -

Posted By: *Calsy
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2009 at 3:24pm
Hi Kim, So from what I can gather Microsoft are planning to release Silverlight for Mobile along with the release of Windows Mobile 6.5. What is Ideablade's stance on supporting this version of silverlight?


Posted By: BenHayat
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2009 at 7:03pm
Firstly, SL Mobile is still [or not even] in CTP. Secondly, it needs to catchup to SL3. Until, it's stable, it's hard for third party to support or show a stand on a moving target. I think once Window 7 and Mobile 7 come out, you'll see a better story from Sl Mobile.

Best Regards!

WPF & Silverlight Insider
http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com - http://www.MicroIntelligence.Com

Posted By: ting
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2009 at 7:27pm

Once Silverlight Mobile supports Silverlight 3, DevForce should be in pretty good shape.  Microsoft claims the APIs will be consistent between the web and mobile version (although you might pick a different control suite that fits the form factor better).  From what I've heard it looks like it's about a year out.

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