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How easy will it be to migrate a C/S project to an n-tier project (using the BOS)?

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 28-Mar-2025 at 9:36am

Topic: How easy will it be to migrate a C/S project to an n-tier project (using the BOS)?
Posted By: Customer
Subject: How easy will it be to migrate a C/S project to an n-tier project (using the BOS)?
Date Posted: 12-Jul-2007 at 10:55am

One area we will be interested to understand very well is as follows:  How easy will it be to migrate a C/S project developed with your Professional Edition to an n-tier project (using the BOS) developed in your Enterprise Edition?  We have a product that we will want to sell in two versions (C/S and n-tier) for different types of customers, but with the same functionality.  It would be really nice to be able to just maintain a single codebase and object repository for both versions of these products, and we will be very eager to know if DevForce will allow us to do that.

I don't believe we will be able to fully appreciate the above scenario by week's end, since it will require actually working with the BOS to get the real picture.  So, perhaps you can provide me with some insight on this in the meantime.

Posted By: IdeaBlade
Date Posted: 12-Jul-2007 at 10:58am
The transition from Client/Server to n-tier is extremely simple using DevForce, and can usually be done without changing a single line of application code and without having to add any server code.  I'll explain how this works, and then if you want more details, I'll point you to some tutorials.
On the client side, the migration from Client/Server to n-tier is accomplished by editing the IdeaBlade.ibconfig file.  Specically, you will need to modify the Remoting section.
On the server side, you can use XCopy or use a Setup project to copy your Business Object assembly and some IdeaBlade assemblies from the client to a specific folder on the server.  In addition, you may also want to include a LoginManager class to improve security.  Many customers use the LoginManager that is included in our tutoriials.
I know that you don't yet have the Business Object Software, and that you can't yet run the following tutorials, but if you want an extremely detailed step-by-step description of the process of converting a Cliet/Server App to an n-tier App, I would advise you to look at the Learning Script for the following Advanced tutorials:

file:///E:/Foo/Test/300%20Advanced/Deployment - 364. Deployment

Choosing between client-server deployment or IIS deployment; DevForce configuration; client-server deployment; IIS Deployment; troubleshooting deployment; automatic updating of client-side application components.

file:///E:/Foo/Test/300%20Advanced/IIS%20Deployment - 366. IIS Deployment

Seting up and configuring an IIS deployment on both the client and the server using Custom Authentication.  

file:///E:/Foo/Test/300%20Advanced/IIS%20Deployment%20with%20Windows%20Security - 368. IIS Deployment with Windows Security

Seting up and configuring an IIS deployment on both the client and the server using Windows Security to authenticate users.


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