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DevForce 2010 extension always enabled

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2010
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.0
Printed Date: 12-Mar-2025 at 7:03pm

Topic: DevForce 2010 extension always enabled
Posted By: ouelletf
Subject: DevForce 2010 extension always enabled
Date Posted: 22-Apr-2010 at 11:28am

I like the changes you made in DevForce 2010, except I would prefer that I create a new EDMX it would not be automaticly converted to DevForce.

We have to enable/disable the extension to be able to create a regular EF edmx.

I would have prefered the default edmx, then having to set a property (IsEnabled) to true that would then create the default DevForce TT, etc...

I did something similar in my own EF Designer Extension.
I keep the IsEnabled attribute on the CSDL schema element.
In my properties factories, I return null if its not enabled (except the IsEnabled property of course :). The designer don't show the property and behave well when you return null in the factory.

I really prefer the new integration directly in VS2010 than the old way you used in 2009. But we should be able to turn it on/off without having to enable/disable the extension. I have older projet in the same solution that use a regular EF EDMX.


Posted By: ting
Date Posted: 22-Apr-2010 at 4:54pm
Hi, thanks for the feedback.  There are several others who have requested that we find a better way to do this.  In the next release, we will allow you to control DevForce code generation on a per EDMX basis.

Posted By: ouelletf
Date Posted: 22-Apr-2010 at 4:56pm

I look forward for the next release.

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