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MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2010
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.0
Printed Date: 11-Mar-2025 at 3:53pm

Topic: MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported
Posted By: paul
Subject: MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported
Date Posted: 03-Oct-2010 at 6:03am
Okay, I am confused. My solution was working fine last night. This morning I get the following error. Nothing has changed except checking in everything to TFS. Any idea where to look before I rip the whole solution apart?  thanks...

  InnerException: IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityServerException
       Message=Key 'PrototypeCoreEntities': MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported
       RemoteExceptionDetails=EntityServerException: MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported ---> 
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.GetEntityContainer(EdmKey key)
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.get_EntityContainer()
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.CreateContext()
       RemoteStackTrace=   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.GetEntityContainer(EdmKey key)
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.get_EntityContainer()
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.CreateContext()
            at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager.HandleEntityServerException(Exception ex, Boolean tryToHandle, PersistenceOperation operation)
            at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager.HandleEntityServerException(BaseOperation op, Boolean tryToHandle, PersistenceOperation persistenceOp)
            at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager.<ExecuteQueryAsyncCore>b__61[T](EntityQueryOperation`1 op)
            at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.AsyncProcessor`1.<Execute>b__5(Object x)

Posted By: DenisK
Date Posted: 04-Oct-2010 at 3:26pm
Hi Paul;

The error means that 

"when retrieving metadata for an edmKey that we either couldn't find the EntityContainer, or found multiple.  The EntityContainer is defined in the csdl.  It's possible you might see this error if the connection string is bad, or if the assembly holding the artifact files cannot be found."

Hope that helps.

Posted By: paul
Date Posted: 04-Oct-2010 at 5:05pm
I am still not sure what happened. I am leaning toward a bad connection string. After playing with it for about an hour I ended dropping the EF model and related DF objects. I only had a few entities so not a big deal but it will be when I have a lot more. Hopefully there won't be a next time. Thanks for the response.

Posted By: DenisK
Date Posted: 04-Oct-2010 at 5:20pm
Your welcome Paul.

Posted By: cypher
Date Posted: 11-Mar-2014 at 8:37am
i am also receiving the same issue. But only on the ClickOnce deployed versions.
Locally my models work just fine...
Currently the only solution to fix this problem, is to delete the entity edmx and recreate it from scratch.
deaBlade.EntityModel.EntityServerException: Key 'CompassEntities': MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported ---> IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityServerException: MetadataWorkspaces with multiple EntityContainers are not currently supported
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.GetEntityContainer(EdmKey key)
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.Edm.EdmKey.CreateContext()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at IdeaBlade.EntityModel.EntityManager.ExecuteQuery(IEntityQuery query)
   at Sunrise.Domain.Models.Compass.CompassManager.ProcGetViewGroup(Nullable`1 CorrelationId, Nullable`1 ViewId) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\a3679f96e1a1368d\Domain\Models\WorkFlow\CompassModel.IB.Designer.cs:line 232
   at Sunrise.Domain.Services.Compass.SearchService.<>c__DisplayClass1.<GetProductStatusAsync>b__0() in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\a3679f96e1a1368d\Domain\Services\WorkFlow\SearchService.cs:line 38
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Posted By: cypher
Date Posted: 12-Mar-2014 at 12:51am
Yesterday i was fighting with this problem again. Because we have renamed the Domain Model (EDMX) several times, we had a problem on the TeamCity Build Server side. Building the project was no problem, but at runtime some weard issues appeared.
I now force to clean all build directorys and i was able to get rid of this issue.
If you have the same problem, please try to clean all build direcotrys (bin/debug) and run it again.

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