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DataSourceMappingInterceptor not being called

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 13-Mar-2025 at 4:39am

Topic: DataSourceMappingInterceptor not being called
Posted By: Customer
Subject: DataSourceMappingInterceptor not being called
Date Posted: 12-Jul-2007 at 5:13pm

I am using DevForce Enterprise and I’m trying to use a r to change various table mapping properties depending on certain conditions.

I have implemented the following DataSourceMappingInterceptor in my Model project:

      public class LegacyDataSourceMappingInterceptor : DataSourceMappingInterceptor


            public LegacyDataSourceMappingInterceptor()



            public override void UpdateSourceMapping(IdeaBlade.Util.IDataSourceKey key, EntityTable entityTable)


                  base.UpdateSourceMapping(key, entityTable);



This assembly is listed in the IdeaBlade.ibconfig in a <probeAssemblyName> element.  However, my UpdateSourceMapping method is never called, nor is the constructor called.

The documentation is sparse but I believe I am doing everything correctly.  What else do I have to do to get this method called?

Posted By: IdeaBlade
Date Posted: 12-Jul-2007 at 5:16pm
Let's start by my sending you a solution that uses a DataSourceMappingInterceptor.  If you still can't figure things out, could you send me a small sample application that demonstrates the problem.

Posted By: Customer
Date Posted: 12-Jul-2007 at 5:17pm
 Ah, the <probeAssemblyName> element is a “global” one, not the one I’m used to seeing under the rdbKey element.  I tried to read the instructions but I guess I wasn’t careful enough.  Adding the element under the “ideaBlade” element fixed it, and now my DataSourceMappingInterceptor works.  Thanks.

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