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DevExpress Version 7.2.1

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 27-Mar-2025 at 7:25pm

Topic: DevExpress Version 7.2.1
Posted By: Customer
Subject: DevExpress Version 7.2.1
Date Posted: 16-Jul-2007 at 10:16am
Just got a hold of the new version of DevExpress 7.2.1 which has a lot of fixes that we have been waiting for. Problem is that the Ideablade.UI.Winforms.DevExpressControls.v7_1_0 doesnt map to this version because of the version number change. Is there a work around for this so we can redirect (I remember there was a way we could do this in the past but I cant find the Documentation on it) to the new version of devExpress, or do we need a new compile of ideablade?

Posted By: IdeaBlade
Date Posted: 16-Jul-2007 at 10:17am

You’ll need a new version of DevForce (which is scheduled for early August).

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