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DebugLog.xml XSLT

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2010
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.0
Printed Date: 25-Mar-2025 at 7:19pm

Topic: DebugLog.xml XSLT
Posted By: bigfish
Subject: DebugLog.xml XSLT
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2011 at 9:32pm
Hi DevForce legends,
do you have an updated XSLT for DebugLog.xml as MS in their wisdom have dropped support for IE5 parser.  Means I can not view a nice version of the DebugLog.xml in IE9... tis just a blank white page, no error message. 

Posted By: sbelini
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2011 at 10:22pm
Hi bigfish,
This issue has been fixed on DevForce2010

Posted By: JoshO
Date Posted: 01-Jun-2011 at 11:39pm
A quick workaround in IE9 is to press the F12 button (while staring at the nice blank white page) to bring up the debugger/dev tool and click on "Document Mode" - then change the mode to "Internet Explorer 8 standards". This will bring up the familiar warning about running scripts, then click yes and walla walla bang bang abra-cadabra....your log will appear!
Yep, the XSLT has been updated for IE 9 in the latest versions of DevForce starting with 6.1.0.x. sorry about the extra work for you to see it until you update to our latest.

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