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Concurrency errors

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce 2010
Forum Discription: For .NET 4.0
Printed Date: 25-Mar-2025 at 5:17am

Topic: Concurrency errors
Posted By: Thomas
Subject: Concurrency errors
Date Posted: 27-Feb-2012 at 11:27am
Is there a way to display concurrency errors like verification errors? So if the user saves an object the UI should be able to display the fields that changed (with the db value as error message). Is there already something like this in DevForce already implemented?

Posted By: sbelini
Date Posted: 27-Feb-2012 at 6:31pm
Hi Thomas,
Do you intend to check for every property value during a save?
Are you doing that because you can't (for whatever reason) create a column specificaly to determine concurrency conficlits? Or do you simply want to check all columns? Have you considered the performance impact on the second case?
Rather than displaying all the fields that have changed, you could choose (or give the user the choice) refreshing from the datasource (and loosing local changes); or save the changes anyway.
The - DevForce Resource Center gives a better idea of how to deal with concurrency.

Posted By: Thomas
Date Posted: 27-Feb-2012 at 11:40pm
The intention would be to only do this logic when an exception occurs. This means that when the exception occurs I would like to show the field which lead to the concurreny exception (meaning that db value != value in screen) in a similar way to how verification errors are shown (but for example with a tooltip that shows the original value).

I'm not sure how big the performance impact of this would be, but considering that concurrency exceptions should not occure that often I would think that this should not be an issue.

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