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Order View

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 25-Mar-2025 at 1:00am

Topic: Order View
Posted By: thamaluk
Subject: Order View
Date Posted: 14-Oct-2007 at 4:35pm
Looking through the Cabana sample app,  I noticed that when I double clicked in the order grid a detail window would open.  I started looking through solution explorer and noticed the Order View view, but I don't understand a few things.
Where will I find the code that handles the double click in the grid ?
Can you please explain the process to create a form like the order view
The project SharedEditor can you please explain the purpose of this project.

Posted By: Bill Jensen
Date Posted: 15-Oct-2007 at 1:44pm
Where will I find the code that handles the double click in the grid ?
This is a fairly complex process involving stuff in the IdeaBlade.Cab libraries as well as the Cabana application.
The actual event from the GridView is fielded by a GridViewAdapter (in IdeaBlade.Cab.Interface) and causes issuing of a RowDoubleClick command.  This is fielded in a view controller (the Cabana example is the MasterDetailTabViewController).
Can you please explain the process to create a form like the order view.
Look in the OrderEditorController where AddNewSummaryView<OrderView>() is called.  Right click and go to the definition to see what actually happens.
The project SharedEditor can you please explain the purpose of this project.
This is intended as an example showing how a popup editor for an entity can be shared by multiple invocation sites by using an EditorService.  If you edit an order from one location, then edit the same order from another location, you are taken to the same editor instance so you don't end up making conflicting changes.

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