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How add new rocors

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 13-Mar-2025 at 2:20pm

Topic: How add new rocors
Posted By: bolitto
Subject: How add new rocors
Date Posted: 19-Dec-2007 at 1:35pm
Hello everyone, sorry, I have a problem
I want add new records, but, when I press in de button + and then show a error like that

the data is only for read

That mind that the deta in te entity is generated with DevForce es real only

Please help me

Posted By: GregD
Date Posted: 03-Jan-2008 at 4:08pm
Sorry this waited so long for a reply!
It sounds like you were trying either to use the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem button on a BindingNavigator without first configuring it properly, or that you were trying to add to a ReadOnlyEntityList, which is the type of list we always return from navigation properties (like myEmployee.Orders).
Please have a look at the instructional unit "Adding and Deleting Business Objects"  (100 series); also see the document "AddDeleteWithBindingNavigator.DOC" in the Reference Materials folders of the instructional unit "Add-Delete On Child Grid" (200 series).
I think you would also find the following Tech Tip helpful: "Working with a ReadOnlyEntityList", available at -
Best regards,
Greg Dunn

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