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Cabana in VB?

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 28-Mar-2025 at 11:47am

Topic: Cabana in VB?
Posted By: Customer
Subject: Cabana in VB?
Date Posted: 06-Jun-2007 at 5:11pm


When will there be a version of CAB that supports VB? 

Posted By: IdeaBlade
Date Posted: 06-Jun-2007 at 5:12pm

Answer (by Ward Bell, author of the Cabana app, 10/19/2006):

Actually I did mention VB.

"We will release Visual Basic version soon although we are hampered somewhat by the fact that the Microsoft Patterns and Practices team does not offer yet a VB version of the "Smart Client Software Factory" on which it depends"

They claimed that a VB version was their top priority although I haven't heard anything about it for awhile.

If they don't come through "soon", I'm going to translate the modules that have to be translated.

The good news is that I can leave most of their stuff in C# because you don't need to touch it ... and probably shouldn't. I could translate that too but I'm not sure why I should bother.

The untapped area is the output from the Guidance Automation Tool (GAT).

Personally, I don't use it and most of our customers don't either. They just copy and paste a base-line View/Presenter pair of files and go to town with it. That said, I intend to add a few C# recipes when I feel I have recipes that really work (the ones from SCSF are demos that are inappropriate for enterprise development).

When they get GAT going for VB, I'll make VB recipes as well. If I were you, I wouldn't let the lack of VB recipes stop me now.

So ... VB folks are very much in my thoughts. I'll convert Cabana soon ... and "sooner" if you tell me you'll actually use it.

Posted By: kent
Date Posted: 14-Jun-2007 at 1:12pm

Ward, I will! I will! I'll actually use it! Wink

Posted By: bjpoirot
Date Posted: 25-Oct-2007 at 12:17am
I vote for it too!

Posted By: Bill Jensen
Date Posted: 26-Oct-2007 at 10:00am
Duly noted.
A VB version of the Cabana and the IdeaBlade.CAB wizards is definitely on our radar screen.  Unfortunately we aren't able to get to it or even provide a schedule at this time.
Watch this space for further information.
Bill Jensen

Posted By: rclarke
Date Posted: 10-Dec-2007 at 9:12am
Ok, we know you guys are busy and frankly I'm amazed at the amount of stuff you pump out but...
Want it..
I could even say need it...
Definately would use it...
And most definately, looking forward to it!
Thanks for all you do.

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