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Save failed - unable to add references to AppHelper

Printed From: IdeaBlade
Category: DevForce
Forum Name: DevForce Classic
Forum Discription: For .NET 2.0
Printed Date: 12-Mar-2025 at 11:12am

Topic: Save failed - unable to add references to AppHelper
Posted By: krugerm
Subject: Save failed - unable to add references to AppHelper
Date Posted: 13-Apr-2008 at 9:26pm
Howdy :)

First of all - love the product, it's awesome. :)

Just run into a problem trying to update my VS2008 project from the Object Mapping Tool (v3.6.1.1).  When I click the save button it goes thru the standard process (adding classes, references, etc.) to my project but pops up an error right at the end: "Save failed - Unable to add references to: Apphelper".

My project seems to be OK - it compiles fine & all changes have been mapped across, so I don't know why the OMT is failing.

Any suggestions?


Posted By: davidklitzke
Date Posted: 14-Apr-2008 at 9:18am
You have come across a rare problem.  For some unknown reason, your ORM file has become corrupted,  If you can reproduce this corruption, we would like to know about the reproduction scenarion because maybe we can fix the cause of the problem.  However, in most cases customers can't reproduce the problem.
You have two recovery options:  (1) If you are very lucky, you may be able to inspect and edit the ORM file, and get it to work again. (2) However, the typical experience is that the custoner goes back to a backup file (with a .BAK extension) and then recovers from there.

Posted By: toddgleason
Date Posted: 26-Apr-2013 at 7:54am
I don't think it needs to be ORM file corruption. We had another project running in a debug session, and DevForce wouldn't save. Once we closed the project (we also closed Visual Studio), DevForce was able to save. We also explicitly deleted the AppHelper.dll and .pdb, though I doubt this was actually necessary.

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