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Topic: Any experiences with scaling out with BOS Posted: 03-Apr-2013 at 7:00pm |
Thanks for the follow up and links!
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Posted: 03-Apr-2013 at 11:16am |
Some links on the matter (increasing connection limit of 2 on the client side): Last comment by TWiStErRob: opening post: people are complaining about the fact that 2 is some kind of RFC standard (for HTTP 1.1?), but honestly I don't care.
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Posted: 03-Apr-2013 at 10:56am |
Finally I figured it out. In our case I made the following changes to our app.config (as opposed to the one you linked, which defines channels and providers and whatnot): <>
<add address="*" maxconnection="10"/>
That seem to increase the "clientConnectionLimit" limit also. In my test setup I managed to get more dummy RPC work processed in parallel this way.
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Posted: 19-Mar-2013 at 4:15pm |
The .ibconfig information is for DevForce only, and is not used by the Remoting system. Generally, if you don't include a .config file with the system.runtime.remoting section, DevForce will configure remoting using information in the .ibconfig, along with both DevForce and Remoting defaults.
Here, since you need to modify a configuration setting which is not supported within the .ibconfig file, you'll need to specify the system.runtime.remoting information entirely so that the Remoting system can auto-configure from the .config file.
I'm not sure what other settings you might have in your web.config file (eg, for authentication), but based on the .ibconfig information you show and the .config file I sent previously, the only change needed to the info in the .config is to set the correct URL:
You'll still need your .ibconfig file too, as DevForce will still use that. So, on the client side, you'll have both the .ibconfig and .config files, or you can consolidate into a .config file containing both DevForce and Remoting information.
Also make sure that the references to the DevForce assemblies are set as "copy local" so that the assemblies will be copied to your application bin folder.
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Posted: 19-Mar-2013 at 3:10pm |
Hi kimj, Could you give more instructions to the app.config. The thing is that we configure the RPC in the IdeaBlade.ibconfig, there's a section in it: <remoting>
This corresponds to the IdeaBlade.Util. IdeaBladeConfig. RemotingInfo
class. If I add the section what you sent to our app.config, I get exceptions. I tried to remove portions of it (for example the client/welknown) to trim it down to the barely needed from. The exceptions are below: uploads/1737/clientconnlimit_exception1.txtuploads/1737/clientconnlimit_exception2.txtI think the exception comes from the client side. The Ideablade.Persistence.dll should be accessible to the binary, but that FileNotFoundException maybe just some aftermath, and the original one is the System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfigHandler.ConfigureRemoting? The second exception comes when I remove the client section. I'm scratching my head.
Edited by ctoth - 19-Mar-2013 at 3:20pm
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Posted: 18-Mar-2013 at 1:33pm |
To anybody who reads this thread: this (clientConnectionLimit) is about legacy RPC communication and not for WCF.(The stateless behavior of BOS is true for every setup though).
Edited by ctoth - 18-Mar-2013 at 1:34pm
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Posted: 18-Mar-2013 at 1:28pm |
Thank you so much! I couldn't find that!
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Posted: 18-Mar-2013 at 12:00pm |
Regarding the issue with only 2 connections from a client at one time - this is the default setting for a client remoting channel. To change it you can set the clientConnectionLimit in a client-side app.config file. I've attached a sample. uploads/11/
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Posted: 12-Mar-2013 at 4:35pm |
BTW, multiple BOS setup is just like that. The BOS really seems to be stateless and that allows using more of them. I'll try Network Load Balancing setup soon.
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Posted: 12-Mar-2013 at 4:30pm |
I was experimenting a little with BOSes. We use remoting/RPC instead of
WCF to connect to the BOS. In order to rule out the effect of database
blocking to the results I just introduced dummy work to be done on the
server (Thread.Sleep). The following finding is true for a single BOS
setup: I went up to 10 connected clients. Their work tasks executed
parallelly on the server, but not more than 2 at a time from a given
client. So if all the 8 clients issued 10 work tasks request of 20
seconds of work at the same time, than a pair of work items executed at
once only at a time. So 20 work items were done after 20 seconds, the
next 20 (a pair of tasks from each client) the next 20 seconds and so
on. This is even true if I connect with a single client to the BOS and issue 15 tasks. Only a pair is executed at once.
what kind of parameter or setting causes that? Is there a configuration
or properties switch which tunes thread pool size or connection pool
size for the BOS? ASP.NET has a 25 thread/CPU default limit, but maybe
that's only for the web server core listener which spawns the actual
worker threads later? Is there some configuration for the BOS itself?
Thanks, Csaba
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 12:05pm |
You are indeed using DevForce Classic.
The answer still applies though.
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 11:35am |
The exact version is "".
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 11:26am |
No problem. I'm moving it.
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 11:16am |
You are right. I wanted to say DevForce Classic. I guess I opened this topic in the wrong forum.
Edited by ctoth - 06-Mar-2013 at 11:26am
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 11:05am |
There is not "Classic version of DevForce 2010".
What is the exact DevForce version number you are using? (You can see it in any DevForce assembly)
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Posted: 06-Mar-2013 at 10:35am |
Thanks for the heads up sbelini. I realized that I forgot to mention a very important fact: we use the Classic version of DevForce 2010, not the version for EntityFramework. I think your statements (except notification) are true for the classic also. I need to look at how refetch goes with Classic. I'm new to IdeaBlade BTW.